Warnings Of The World

World Destructions

What’s The Warnings Of The World?


I think about all the warnings we been giving and all the mercies given to us including myself, I was terrible, probably the worst of anyone but God definitely had a lot of mercy on me, I should have been gone when I was a kid! But because of my faithful parents and in their teaching us, gone now and bless their souls I was raised in the traditional Catholic church teaching, though I didn’t follow them most of my life, I never stopped believing in the true Church.


How Many Warnings Will We Get?






She came down from heaven to warn us through two little shepherd children Melanie and Maximin! She said if people don’t change there way God is going punish them and her hands were tied. God never strikes before giving us warnings, how may warning will we get? It is written live your life as if it will be you last day, do we know that hour if we will spend eternity in Heaven or Hell? People can deny it but its still a fact which the One Holy Church Jesus establish teaches. I will soon have the whole story of Our Lady Of LA SALETTE and the warnings in file downloads.



Our Lady Of Fatima


A promise for peace! Apparently God decided to give much more mercy, the Imaculate Heart Of Mary mother of God appeared in Fatima Portugal about 70 miles north of Lisbon. 70,000 people witness this apparition and peace for the world, can you call 70,000 people liar's? All the Immaculate Heart Of Mary asked was to consecrate her Heart to Russia and there would be peace in the world, thanks to the Catholic Church it never happened, what a small price to pay for Peace!

I see the daily destruction everywhere in the world, especially here in America thanks to President Biden. He had 40 some years to fix problems in the United States, I knew when he got elected it was all over, who would ever in their right mind who is a Catholic hold the hand of Lucifer into the eternal fire? May God Have Mercy on us and the world! I will also have the true story of Fatima on downloads soon.



by Iddigger

Just Sharing the truth on Almighty God! There is only one Holy truth!
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Very interesting, I'll download the files and learn about it.
I Just Lazy
Well stop being so lazy and visit more often!
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I like this website! I'm learning very much here. Thanks for your works here!
I hope to be saved, by coming to this site I'm learning a lot!