Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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December 2024

✝️ Our Lady Of Guadalupe

Thursday, 12/12/2024 - All Day
Feast Days
"Traditional Catholic Church"
Today the Traditional Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of, Our Lady Of Guadalupe. The Shrine of Our Lady Of Guadalupe, near Mexico City, is one of the most celebrated places of pilgrimages in North America. On December 9, 1531, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to an Indian convert to be Catholic, Juan Diego, and left with Him a picture of Herself impressed upon His cloak. In many of the south western states of the United States this feast is a double of the first class. In the Diocese of New Orleans, this feast is anticipated on November 16th.

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Did Jesus make known to all souls😯️ Did He say many are called, few are chosen🤔️