Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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December 2024

✝️ Christmas Eve

Tuesday, 12/24/2024 - All Day
Holy Catholic Masses
"Traditional Catholic Church"
"The Savior of the world shall reign over us."

The Christmas Season begins on the 24th of December and ends on the 13th of January. During this time the Church celebrates the following Feasts: The Nativity of our Lord, the Circumcision of our Lord, The Most Holy Name of Jesus, The Epiphany and Baptism of our Lord. The contemplation of the Mystery of the Incarnation invites us to be born again through a more vital union with Jesus Christ Who became Man for us. With the Magi we should thank God for manifesting Himself to us. We should walk like them with a lively faith, ever seeking the true God and longing for His heavenly gifts. 👍️

Can't make it to Mass, or no Mass available?
Go to our download page, then download Goffine's Devout Instructions on, Epistles and Gospels for Sundays, Holy days & Feast days for more info @ Addition free downloads also.
Did Jesus make known to all souls😯️ Did He say many are called, few are chosen🤔️