Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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January 2025

✝️ Feria Day

Friday, 01/10/2025 - All Day
Feria Day
"Traditional Catholic Church"
Feria day is a weekday on the traditional Catholic Church calendar on which no feast day or holy day is observed. In the traditional Roman Catholic ecclesiastical calendar, any day of the week from Monday through Friday, a day which is neither a festival nor is a fast day. Even though, the traditional Catholic Church still has a Mass on those days for the few faithful Catholic's who wish to receive Holy Communion, there are some few Faithful who wish to receive Jesus everyday. A tradition Catholic Priest must also offer a Mass everyday even if nobody shows up.

Can't make it to Mass, or no Mass available?
Go to our download page, then download Goffine's Devout Instructions on, Epistles and Gospels for Sundays, Holy days & Feast days for more info @ Addition free downloads also.
Did Jesus make known to all souls😯️ Did He say many are called, few are chosen🤔️