Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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January 2025

✝️ Saint Agnes

Tuesday, 01/21/2025 - All Day
Feast Days
"Traditional Catholic Church"
Today the Traditional Catholic Church celebrates the feast of, Saint Agnes, Virgin, Martyr. According to the true Church, Saint Augustine and Saint Ambrose, Saint Agnes, a noble Roman virgin, was about thirteen years of age when she won the martyr's crown. She was tortured by fire or decapitated in the year 304. Her name is inscribed in the Cannon of the Holy Mass, and She is universally venerated as the Patroness of the Children of the Virgin Mary's Sodality. Two lambs blessed on her feast day, supply the wool of the pallia worn by the Pope and Archbishops.

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Did Jesus make known to all souls😯️ Did He say many are called, few are chosen🤔️