Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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January 2025

✝️ Saint John Bosco

Friday, 01/31/2025 - All Day
Feast Days
"Traditional Catholic Church"
Today the Traditional Catholic Church celebrates the Feast of, Saint John Bosco, Confessor. This admirable "Apostle of Youth" is almost our contemporary. He founded the Salesian Society of Saint Frances de Sales, and the Daughters of Mary, Help of Christians. His life's work was consecrated to the care of young boys and girls. He faithfully past away in the year 1888 and was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1934. The motto on the Salesian coat of arms: "Give me only souls and keep the rest." bears witness to Don Bosco's Christians ideal.

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Did Jesus make known to all souls😯️ Did He say many are called, few are chosen🤔️