Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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March 2025

✝️ Saint Patrick

Monday, 03/17/2025 - All Day
Saints Day
"Traditional Catholic Church"
Today the Traditional Catholic Church also celebrates the Feast of, Saint Patrick, Bishop, Confessor. He was an Apostle of Ireland, He was sent to that country by Pope Saint Celestine as a missionary. He found Ireland was a heathen country, and made it Christian. Saint Patrick faithfully pasted away in the year 464,and was buried at Down, in Ulster. He scattered the seed of the Gospel with such success that, from the innumerable band of holy men and women which it produced, the verdant land of Erin was known in the Middle Ages by the glorious title of the "Island of Saints", a glory which three centuries of bitter persecution of the Catholic Faith at the hands of the Anglican Church utterly failed to eclipse. Pius IX in 1859 as a tribute to the vigorous faith of this nation raised the feast of Saint Patrick which has appeared in the Roman Breviary since the Fifteenth Century, to the rank of a double. Saint Patrick is the great patriarch of the Irish episcopate, and Irish monarchism. This monarchism left its mark throughout medieval Europe wherever the Scotti planted their tents and introduced their traditions. His feast is a holy day of obligation in Ireland; there is a church dedicated to him in Rome, not far from the Via Salaria.

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Did Jesus make known to all souls😯️ Did He say many are called, few are chosen🤔️