Traditional Catholic Truths Event

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March 2025

✝️ Saint Cyril Of Jerusalem

Tuesday, 03/18/2025 - All Day
Saints Day
"Traditional Catholic Church"
"Doctor Of The Church"

Today the Traditional Catholic Church also celebrates the Feast of, Saint Cyril Of Jerusalem, Bishop, Confessor. Saint Cyril, Patriarch of Archbishop of Jerusalem, was proclaimed a Doctor of the Catholic Church by Pope Leo XIII. His instructions in Christian doctrine, were solid, simple, and profound, He show the teachings of the Church in his day to be the same as they are today. When was a simple priest, He instructed the Catechumens during Lent. The Arians exiled him three times. Saint Cyril, faithfully pasted away in the year 386, after a troubled episcopate of thirty five year.

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Did Jesus make known to all souls😯️ Did He say many are called, few are chosen🤔️